JG Negi Young Scientist Award

1. Preamble – instituted in 2018 by IGU in memory of Late Dr. J.G. Negi.

2. Nature of Prize – a gold medal and a citation.

3. Purpose – to recognize the achievement of a Geophysicist/Geologist and to provide a platform to disseminate his/her knowledge to the Earth Scientific community.

4. Eligibility – an outstanding Geophysicist/Geologist working in India whose age does not exceed 35 years (on 1st January of the year).

5. Nominations – Both soft and hard copy with signature stating the scientific calibre along with other credentials (in given proforma) must be sent by an EC member, past recipient or Fellow of IGU to the Hon. Secretary of IGU at least two months before the Annual Convention or the date set by IGU.

6. Selection Committee – a committee, duly constituted by the President of IGU.

7. Approving body – President of IGU.