Guide for Authors

The Journal of Indian Geophysical Union (J-IGU), published bimonthly by the Indian Geophysical Union (IGU), is an interdisciplinary journal from India that publishes high-quality research in earth sciences with special emphasis on the topics pertaining to the Indian subcontinent and the surrounding Indian Ocean region. The journal covers several scientific disciplines related to the Earth sciences such as solid Earth geophysics, geology and geochemistry, apart from marine, atmosphere, space and planetary sciences. J-IGU welcomes contributions under the following categories:

  • Research papers and short notes reporting new findings.
  • Review articles providing comprehensive overview of a significant research field.

In addition, J-IGU also welcomes short communications, after communications and report on scientific activity, book reviews, news and views, etc.

The manuscript should be submitted electronically as a single word format (.doc file) including the main text, figures, tables, and any other supplementary information along with the signed “Declaration Letter”. The manuscript should be submitted by email ( to the Chief Editor. 

After acceptance of the manuscript the corresponding author would be required to submit all source files (text and Tables in word format) and figures in high resolution standard (*.jpg, *.tiff, *.bmp) format. These files may be submitted to J-IGU as a single *.zip file along with the “Copyright Transfer Statement”.

Ethics in publishing

J-IGU is committed to ensuring ethics in publication and takes a serious view of plagiarism including self-plagiarism in manuscripts submitted to the journal. Authors are advised to ensure ethical values by submitting only their original work and due acknowledgement to the work of others used in the manuscript. Authors must also refrain from submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently, or publish the same piece of research work in more than one journal, which is unethical and unacceptable. Editor of J-IGU is committed to make every reasonable effort to investigate any allegations of plagiarism brought to his attention, as well as instances that come up during the peer review process and has full authority to retract any plagiarized publication from the journal and take appropriate action against such authors if it is proven that such a misconduct was intentional. 

Similarly, Editor and Reviewers are also expected to follow ethical norms of publishing by ensuring that they don’t use any unpublished information, communicated to them for editorial or review purpose, in their own research without the explicit written consent of the author. They are also expected to keep manuscript/ data/ observations/ any other information related to the peer review confidential to protect the interest of the authors. Reviewers should refrain from reviewing the manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the manuscript.

Conflict of interest
All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations within three years of beginning the submitted work that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. 

Submission declaration
Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published previously and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same or any other form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher. It also implies that the authors have taken necessary approval from the competent authority of the institute/organization where the work was carried out.

After acceptance of the manuscript the corresponding author would be required to sign and submit the “Copyright Transfer Statement”.

The corresponding author should be identified (include E-mail address, Phone/Mobile number). Full affiliation and postal address must be given for all co-authors.

An abstract of not more than 300 words must be included.

The manuscript should be structured to include a front page containing the title, Author(s) name, affiliation and address of the institute, where the work was carried out, a short title, and 5-to-6 Key words. Author(s) present address, if different from the above mentioned address, may be given in the footnote. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and his/her email ID should be provided. This page should be followed by the main text consisting of Abstract, Introduction, Methods/ Techniques/ Area description, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and References. Tables and Figures with captions should be inserted at the end of main text. It should not be inserted in the body of the text.

Figures/ Illustrations:
All figures should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction (which may include reduction) without retouching. Figures in high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) standard formats (*.jpg, *.tiff, *.bmp) are acceptable. Figures should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. References should be made in the text to each figure. Each figure should have a suitable caption.

Authors should take note of the limitations set by the size and layout of the journal. Table should not exceed the printed area of the page. They should be typed on separate sheets and details about the tables should be given in the text. Heading should be brief. Large tables should be avoided and may be provided as supplementary information, if required.

Equations should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and cited in the text. Subscripts and Superscripts should be set off clearly. Equation writing software that presents each equation as an object in MS Word will be accepted. Style and convention adopted for the equations should be uniform throughout the paper.

All references to publications cited in the main text should be presented as a list of references in order following the text and all references in the list must be cited in the text. References should be arranged chronologically, in the text. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the paper. 

References should be given in the following form:
Kaila, K.L., Reddy P.R., Mall D.M., Venkateswarlu, N., Krishna V.G. and Prasad, A.S.S.S.R.S., 1992. Crustal structure of the west Bengal Basin from deep seismic sounding investigations. Geophys. J. Int., 111,45-66.

All manuscripts submitted to the journal are peer-reviewed. It is advisable to send the contact details of 4 potential reviewers along with the manuscript to expedite the review process. Editor has the option to select reviewers from the list or choose different reviewers. The review process usually takes about 3 months. All enquiries regarding the manuscript may be addressed to the Editor.

Technical editing of manuscripts is performed by the editorial board. The author is asked to check the galley proof for typographical errors and to answer queries from the editor. Authors are requested to return the corrected proof within two days of its receipt to ensure uninterrupted processing. The editor will not accept new material in proof unless permission from the editorial board has been obtained for the addition of a “note added in proof”. Authors are liable for the cost of excessive alterations to galley proof.

There are no page charges for publication and printing charges for b/w figures. However, in view of substantial cost involved in printing of color figures, author will be charged for printing of pages containing color figures @ Rs. 2,500/- per page. The charges may be revised at any time based on cost of printing and production. Author will receive an estimate/ invoice of the color figures reproduction cost along with the galley proof. It is the responsibility of the author to remit the color figures reproduction cost within one month of the receipt of the estimate/invoice. 

As publication costs have increased exponentially, it is decided by the Chief Editor to publish only papers that do not exceed 10 pages in print. As such, you are here by requested to restructure the manuscript in such a way that length of the manuscript (including figures and tables) does not exceed 15 pages with 1.5 spacing between lines.

The corresponding author will receive a soft copy (pdf format) of his/her published article. Should the author desire to purchase reprints of his/her publication, he/she must send the duly signed Reprint Order Form (accompanies the galley proof and contains price details) along with the corrected galley proof to the Editor. The reprint charges must be paid within one month of sending the Reprint Order Form. 

Any payment related to printing of color figures and/or purchase of reprints should be made in the form of a Demand Draft  in the name of Treasurer, Indian Geophysical Union, payable at Hyderabad.

You may download the pdf file here: Guide for Authors